Research on or about kia aroha college
Our congratulations to Dr. Philippa Butler, whose Ph.D. research featured in-depth interviews with five students from Kia Aroha College, chosen because our school “actively encourages the development of students’ cultural identities and home languages.” Her research found that “Young people who are encouraged to embrace the fullness of their multiple ethnic identities are more likely to be confident, strong, happy, resilient people.” We agree!
In 2015 Kia Aroha College students ‘ leadership was studied by Adam Driver for his Master in Education thesis, at the University of Auckland. He wrote: “The central aim of my research is to explore Māori and Pasifika students’ cultural leadership in the context of Kia Aroha College, a designated character state-school in New Zealand that pursues a culturally-centred and critical pedagogy. The inquiry focuses on the students’ understandings of their school-based, cultural leadership and how this is enacted.” His thesis is entitled “Cultural leadership: The reciprocities of right relationship at Kia Aroha College”
“Colouring in the White Spaces: Cultural Identity and Learning in School“.
The report is the result of Ann Milne’s 2009 ASB/APPA Travelling Fellowship research.
“Thriving in Practice“.
This research “charts the relational journey made by a group of social innovators comprising staff from the Families Commission, and two exemplary organisations Te Waipuna Puawai and Kia Aroha College. It explores what we have come to call a family whānau centred approach from the perspectives, and largely in the words of those working at the interface or frontline. It provides practice-based evidence for a more connected, relational approach to working with families whānau and communities in New Zealand” (NZ Families Commission, 2011)
“Colouring in the White Spaces: Reclaiming Cultural identity in Whitestream Schools”
This PhD thesis tells the story of Clover Park Middle School, Te Whanau o Tupuranga and Kia Aroha College, and is available online from the University of Waikato Research Commons on this link
“They didn’t care about normal kids like me.” Restructuring a school to fit the kids.
This Masters (MEdAdmin) thesis tell the story of Clover Park Intermediate School, Clover Park Middle School and Te Whanau o Tupuranga from the early 1980s through to 2004.